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Documentation by DGM MiamiWhen it comes to working with hazardous materials and cargo, documentation is just as important as the physical handling of the dangerous goods themselves. Without proper documentation, every individual in the supply chain who comes into contact with a shipment–whether on one of your sites or down the line–is essentially working blind. Which puts them at considerable risk of injury or even death.

This is why at DGM Florida, our technical specialists ensure that the mandatory documents for every shipment originating or passing through your business is in full compliance with State, Federal, and International regulations.

The documentation process begins with proper classification of all items being shipped, and then the creation of a detailed listing (manifest) that includes everything from quantities to weights to potential risks. Only then do we complete and sign the appropriate Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) that confirms the shipment has been classified and packed according to global safety standards.

Here at DGM Florida, we also carry one of the most comprehensive liability insurance policies in the industry, which allows DGM to be shown as the shipper on behalf of the actual shipper on the Declaration for Dangerous Goods Declaration.

The bottom line is that we understand how executing on proper documentation for hazardous cargo can be painstaking. It requires ongoing knowledge of the latest protocols and regulations. Especially if the cargo happens to transition between air and water and road transport along the way, each of which follows different rules.

So why take your chances? Let DGM Florida handle your documentation for dangerous goods the right way in all cases, not only ensuring safety for all parties involved, but also eliminating the risk of potential costly fines.